An internal tool to create
partner merchants

An internal tool to create partner merchants

My Role
Product Designer
I focused on user research, design iterations, wireframing, UI design, and user testing.
Design Consult
for Tesla
1 x PM

1 x Dev.
1 x Design
4 Weeks
The Problem
Adding a new Partner Merchant is manual, inefficient, and requires an engineer’s time of ~1 hour per merchant. This lack of visibility and self-service for Tesla Operations team slows down Tesla’s ability to scale and takes engineers away from other priorities.
The Solution
Create an internal tool for creating new partner merchants without engineering support, enabling Tesla Operations team to self-serve.
The Impact
Cost Saving: freeing up engineering bandwidth for other priorities.
Time Saving: speeding up partner merchant creation by 1 hour per merchant.
Partner Merchant Interface
Save engineering time by enabling partner experience team to create partner merchants.
Easily Add New
Partner Merchant
Partner Merchant button right on the Partner Suite platform for easy access.
Partner Merchant Form
A simple 2-step form to input new merchant info and review before submitting.
Tier Group Selection
Review and designate the tier group for the new Partner Merchant.
ENG Constraints
1. The Tier Plan can only be changed in the Partner Merchant Tab.
2. Users must know which tier they are creating a new partner merchant in.
3. Users must be able to change to another tier if they made a mistake.
Link Supercharger
to Merchant Name
Add Supercharger Group as a suffix to differentiate between Merchants with same name.
View Partner
Merchant Info
View the selected configuration details for each partner merchant.
Biggest Challenge
Finding a better way to communicate the function of “link to merchant name”.
The different iterations I tested for this function:
V1. Dropdown
V2. Checkbox
V3. Toggle
V4. Tag
V5. Button
Solution: Provide more context via helper text
to state the purpose and function of this field.
Default State
Clicked State
V1. Wizard
V2. Drawer
Home Page
V1. Cards
V2. List
Key Interview Insights
Link to Merchant Name toggle confused users.
Paste Icon contradicted with users’ mental model.
Merchant reward Program toggle confused users, thinking they NEED to click on it.
Red Reward Icon on cards made it look clickable.
Field Input Data:
Supercharger Group: Great Mall -E
Name: Starbucks Coffee
Design System
Reflection Time
What I learned
How to effectively communicate and collaborate with PM’s and adapt my design to new Engineering constraints throughout the project.
What I would do differently
Experiment more with form layout to minimize vertical scroll and test if it speeds up this process even more.
Next steps
Externalize this feature for Partner Merchants as a self-service platform and develop the B2C interface for Tesla owners.
More Projects
Mockups of app features on 3 iPhone screens.
Mockup of website on mac book laptop.
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